The following websites, created and managed by members of Churches of Christ, provide Biblical resources in French.
All past and current issues of the periodical Chemin de Vérité (Way of Truth) may be read or downloaded as pdf files. The site also offers a selection of radio broadcasts.
This is the French platform of the World Bible School website. Visitors can enroll in free online Bible courses.
A school for biblical and spiritual life training for the benefit of French-speaking churches of Christ.
This site was developed in order to help Muslims to discover the revelation that God gave to mankind through the Bible. In a respectful tone it offers explanations concerning the Bible and its content and also refers to various passages in the Qur’an. It answers several common objections made by Muslims to Christian beliefs. (Much of the content of this site can be read in English at
Most of this site is in English, but the French page offers a good series of maps of Bible lands, as well as diagrams of the tabernacle and the temple and explanations of Biblical units of measure (cubit, span, etc.) These can be downloaded as Powerpoint presentations.
Past issues of the French version of the periodical, Truth for Today, (over 1500 different studies) are available on this site.
The official site of the Déodat Church of Christ in Paris, FRANCE. Numerous audio resources and Bible studies, as well as correspondence courses, are offered here.
The site of the Crieve Hall Church of Christ, Nashville, TN (USA), the sponsoring congregation overseeing the ministry of French World Outreach.
The site of the Church of Christ in Strasbourg, FRANCE. Numerous audio resources and Bible studies, as well as correspondence courses, are offered here.
The site of the Church of Christ in Geneva, Switzerland.
The site of the Church of Christ at Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada.