Author: Jacques Marchal

Showing 1–16 of 45 results

  • Toward a Happy Marriage

    SKU: CV15-N1 | by ,

    Instructions that will help you discover or rediscover Jesus’ teaching on marriage, in order to reinforce the strength and durability of your household

  • When Are We Saved by the Blood?

    SKU: 468 | by

    The necessity of the sacrifice of Jesus and the conditional nature of the offer of salvation

  • Simply Christian

    SKU: 314 | by

    In our day so-called “Christian” sects (distinct religious groups) abound, and their teachings are often diametrically opposed. Many there are who ask whether it is possible to break free from such confusion to simply become a child of God, a disciple of Christ—nothing more, nothing less. In fact it is possible, and many people have done just that. This article will explain it to you.

  • Fasting / When Does the Blood of Christ Save?

    SKU: CV4-N6 | by ,

    The meaning of the practice of fasting according to the Bible. The conditions of salvation.

  • Does Hell Exist?

    SKU: 373 | by

    A study that defines and exposes things that should make us think about this dull and nightmarish place.

  • Overcome Hatred with Love


    Hatred bring to life misery that makes it almost intolerable. But the person who loves enough can manage to overcome bitterness, resentment, hate.

  • Man: Does He Have Free Will?

    SKU: 353 | by

    People say that if God existed, He would not allow suffering or sickness or the death of innocent people.  At the same time, when faced with situations where God gives us rules to follow, we want Him to go away! How can a smoker be surprised when he gets cancer? … An edifying study on implications of man’s free will and his responsibilities.

  • The Christian Family

    SKU: 341 | by

    A study with several components: the nature of mariage, the problem of divorce, the duties of the husband and of the wife, and advice for a happy marriage.

  • Do We Have the Right to Believe What We Want To?

    SKU: 312 | by

    It is sad to observe that there are many people who, having learned of the word of God, refuse to follow it. They find as an excuse: “Everyone has a the right to believe what they want. You go your way, let me go mine.” Is this way of thinking right? Does everyone have the right to believe what they want?

  • Is Faith Sufficient for Salvation?

    SKU: 465 | by

    “I believe, therefore I am saved.” Such is generally the attitude of most people. This  motto is deeply analyzed in this study.

  • The Problem of Human Suffering

    SKU: 310 | by

    One of the problems about which people wonder is that of human suffering. Why does humanity suffer? Why do cares and disillusionment exist? What about sickness and death? Why must the innocent suffer? This study answers these questions and helps the reader understand the causes and consequences of human suffering.

  • Where Are the Dead?

    SKU: 463 | by

    Doctrinal study of the state of the dead while awaiting the Judgment.

  • Restoring the Church of the New Testament

    SKU: 546 | by

    Faced with the multitude of denominations claiming to follow Christ, it is imperative today to reestablish the Church as it is described in the New Testament. But how?

  • Covetousness: Modern Idolatry

    SKU: 441 | by

    The man who looks for satisfaction in earthly wealth moves away unconsciously from God and ends up replacing him with an idol: money and the power it gives.

  • The God of the Christians

    SKU: 284 | by

    The love of the true God distinguishes Him from all other gods; it is through Jesus Christ that we best know Him.

  • Can We Agree When It Comes to Religion?

    SKU: 362 | by

    We often hear that people cannot agree in matters of religion. This document answers the question and offers edifying explanations.