Author: Barry Baggott
Showing 49–64 of 153 results
The Lord’s Supper
SKU: CV2-N3 | by Barry BaggottStudy of the meaning of the Lord’s Supper; seven errors concerning communion
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$0.07A Danger that Threatens
SKU: Q-121 | by Barry BaggottLike the epistles of the New Testament, this booklet is addressed primarily to those who are already members of the Lord’s church, and like many Bible passages, it constitutes a call to vigilance. There is a need to examine ourselves in the light of Scripture to be sure that we are not straying from the Bible pattern. Of particular concern is the introduction into the church of organizational structures and methods of financing the work that are not authorized by the Word. The biggest part of this booklet consists of previously published texts, in particular Chemin de Vérité Vol. 3, No. 1 ; Vol. 6, No. 1 ; Vol. 9, No. 2 ; Vol. 15, No. 5 ; and a chapter of the book How to Understand the Bible.
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$0.35The Inspiration of the Bible
SKU: CV7-N6 | by Barry BaggottArguments in favor of the inspiration of the Bible
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SKU: CV11-N4 | by Barry BaggottThe article demonstrates biblically that polygamy is a form of adultery and answers objections, explains what repentance requires, and offers advice for evangelizing polygamists.
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$0.07Will God Accept My Worship?
SKU: Q-077 | by Barry BaggottA study in thirteen chapters on the theme of Christian worship. It deals with general principles concernant the object of our worship, the worship that pleases God, worship in spirit and truth, and a detailed look at each of the elements of Christian worship: prayer, the Lord’s Supper, preaching, singing, and giving.
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$0.25The Christian and Suffering
SKU: CV6-N4 | by Barry BaggottThe value of suffering in the life of a Christian, and the end of this suffering. Same content as Q-106.
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$0.07Restoration: Back to the Beginning
SKU: CV20-N1 | by Barry BaggottThe serious problems of apostasy and religious division could be resolved by the same remedy: going back to the beginning. A radical return to the Scriptures, the basis for true Christian faith, would allow us to rediscover what the Lord desired and commanded for his church. It would thus allow us to restore the practices and teachings that have been lost in the continual accumulation of traditions and commandments of men.
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SKU: CV10-N2 | by Barry BaggottA study of the importance of benevolence in the life of the Christian and of the Church; it emphasizes attitudes to avoid and provides practical suggestions concerning a program of benevolent work.
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$0.07The 144,000 and the Great Multitude
SKU: CV11-N5 | by Barry BaggottA response to the doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses which claims that literally only 144,000 people have the right to go to Heaven and that the rest of the faithful will spend eternity on an earth transformed into a paradise.
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$0.07Jesus, the Only Head of His Church
SKU: CV9-N3 | by Barry BaggottJesus is the only head of His Church and does not need a human on earth to be a visible head. Was Peter the first pope?
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$0.07The Sabbath/The Lord’s Day
The nature of the sabbath, the moral and spiritual principles tied to the sabbath, and the reality of which the sabbath was the temporary shadow. How and why the first day of the week became the day observed by the Church.
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$0.07Spiritual Growth
SKU: CV12-N5 | by Barry BaggottShows the necessity, the traits and the means of spiritual growth for both individuals and churches.
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$0.07Does Every Christian Need to Know the Bible?
SKU: 046 | by Barry BaggottExhortation to know the Bible for one’s self, written for people from a Catholic background and familiar with Catholic vocabulary. Ends with an invitation to enroll in Bible courses.
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$0.07The Organization of the Church
SKU: Q-089 | by Barry BaggottA detailed study on the organisation of the church, including its only head, the autonomy of local congregations, the different roles of leadership, and the role of women
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$0.25Baptism in What Name?
SKU: CV7-N3 | by Barry BaggottMust baptism be administered in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, or in the name of Jesus only?
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$0.07Love Not the World
SKU: CV14-N5 | by Barry BaggottThis article deals with the Lord’s warning concerning what the Bible refers to as “the world.”
Important Notice: All publications are in French unless specifically labeled “English version.” The titles and descriptions have been translated on the website to aid non-French speakers select material for ministry among French speakers.