Author: Barry Baggott
Showing 17–32 of 154 results
Are You Troubled by Sexual Sins?/The Support of Evangelists
The evils brought on by sexual immorality; advice for evangelists and congregations on the subject of their support
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$0.07Christ, Yes! The Church, No?
SKU: CV13-N6 | by Barry BaggottSome people are attracted to Jesus and love to listen to his word but display a negative attitude when someone talks to them about the church. This article brings clarity to the subject with several reasons.
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$0.07What Hinders Me from Being Baptized?
SKU: CV18-N6 | by Barry BaggottMany people recognize that they need to be baptized, but they do not do it. Some obstacles are imaginary, while others are real yet surmountable by one who “hungers and thirsts after righteousness.” This article can help those who hesitate to obey the Gospel as well as those who would like to encourage them to take hold of eternal life.
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$0.07Worship in Spirit and Truth
SKU: CV17-N4 | by Barry BaggottWhat is worship, and why ought we to worship God? Does the Bible tell us how one must worship, or does God accept any form of worship as long as it is offered in sincerity? What are the elements of Christian worship according to the New Testament? These are several of the questions treated in this issue of Chemin de Vérité.
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$0.07Saved by Grace
SKU: CV6-N5 | by Barry BaggottThe grace of God is necessary, available, and conditional.
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$0.07Modern-Day Prophets
SKU: CV8-N1 | by Barry BaggottWhat ought to be our attitude with regard to those who claim to have the gift of prophecy?
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$0.07Toward a Happy Marriage
Instructions that will help you discover or rediscover Jesus’ teaching on marriage, in order to reinforce the strength and durability of your household
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SKU: CV9-N6 | by Barry BaggottWhat is repentance? What causes one to repent, and what does repentance produce? Why is repentance urgent? An exhortation that tries to answer these questions.
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SKU: CV5-N1 | by Barry BaggottBiblical prophecies on falling away from the truth, their fulfillment, and the solution to the problem
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$0.07Autonomy of the Local Church
SKU: CV3-N1 | by Barry BaggottBiblical arguments for the autonomy of local congregations
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$0.07The Financing of the Work of the Church
SKU: CV6-N1 | by Barry BaggottThe Biblical plan for financing the work: the voluntary giving from every member each Sunday
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$0.07Seven Questions on Divorce and Remarriage
SKU: CV5-N2 | by Barry BaggottThe divine principles that help us determine the will of God in the majority of divorce/remarriage situations
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$0.07Keep Yourselves from Idols
SKU: CV13-N3 | by Barry BaggottStarts with a precise definition of idols, discusses God’s attitude toward them, and gives the Bible’s recommendations on this subject.
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$0.07The Christian and Alcohol
SKU: CV3-N3 | by Barry BaggottDoes the Christian have the right to drink alcohol? Here are several things to consider in light of the Scriptures.
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$0.07Victory over Demons
SKU: CV10-N1 | by Barry BaggottA Biblical presentation on the way demons are manifested and on the meaning of the fact that Christ has “disarmed” the powers of darkness. A message of confidence for the faithful Christian concerning the power and activity of Satan.
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$0.07“Denominations” – What’s Wrong with That?
SKU: CV15-N4 | by Barry BaggottWhen a congregation strictly conforms to the model of the church in the Bible, it is not a denomination, but a local congregation of the church that Jesus built. A study that reflects on the danger of creating or belonging to a denomination.
Important Notice: All publications are in French unless specifically labeled “English version.” The titles and descriptions have been translated on the website to aid non-French speakers select material for ministry among French speakers.