Author: Richard Andrejewski
Showing 65–80 of 134 results
Faith and Works
SKU: 037 | by Richard AndrejewskiA study of the different kinds of faith, different kinds of works, the relation between them and their role in our salvation.
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$0.18The Walls of Our Faith
SKU: 044 | by Richard AndrejewskiA fascinating study based on the book of Nehemiah and which invites us to work to rebuild the walls of our faith, to repair the breaches with God in spite of the repeated assaults of enemies.
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$0.07The Faith of the Atheist and the Faith of the Christian
SKU: 067 | by Richard AndrejewskiThe atheist believes also, but in what?
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$0.07Believer or Christian?
SKU: 185 | by Richard AndrejewskiWe skip lightly from the word “believing” to the word “Christian” as if these two terms were synonymous. They should be. They could be. But in fact, they are not. This study demonstrates the fact and invites us to make a choice.
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$0.07The Power of Prayer
SKU: 053 | by Richard AndrejewskiEdification on the power of prayer
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$0.07Two Questions You Must Face
SKU: 186 | by Richard AndrejewskiThe two Biblical questions are: “What do you think of the Christ?” and “What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”
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$0.07Speaking the Same Thing
SKU: 166 | by Richard AndrejewskiTo understand one another, we must mean the same thing when using the same words.
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$0.07What is Truth?
SKU: 099 | by Richard AndrejewskiStudy inspired by the words of Pontius Pilate: “What is Truth?”
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SKU: 212 | by Richard AndrejewskiEncouragement to discover one’s inner man, one’s sin and one’s Savior
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$0.07The Sabbath
SKU: 259 | by Richard AndrejewskiA lot of people are concerned by the question of the sabbath. It is an important question. In this brochure it is addressed honestly and clearly, and specific Biblical answers are given.
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SKU: 027 | by Richard AndrejewskiGod gave men free will, the ability to choose what they want and even to reject Him. However, every choice that we make leads inevitably to a result, which may or may not be favorable to us but for which we alone are responsible. This study explores the choice that offers the best future that a human can hope for.
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$0.07Seek First the Kingdom
SKU: 040 | by Richard AndrejewskiJesus reveals to men the true key to existence; il makes available to us the means of escaping the labyrinth of life, prey to anguish and permanent worry. This study helps to discover or rediscover this revelation.
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$0.07You Have Heard It Said
SKU: 098 | by Richard AndrejewskiExhortation to only accept what comes from God
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$0.07The Nature of and Reason for the Scriptures
SKU: 295 | by Richard AndrejewskiA study which helps us understand the work of education, of correction, of recovery and of transformation done by health Biblical training.
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$0.07About Christmas
SKU: 246 | by Richard AndrejewskiA study in which the author shares with you some remarks on this big holiday for which people prepare weeks in advance. Every year it’s the same thing: preparing Christmas Eve parties, reserving places in restaurants…, whereas the ignorant masses don’t even know what they are doing or what they believe… from the Santa Claus of legend to the “baby Jesus” who has never grown up in many minds and whom they only like because he is all sweetness and gives no offense.
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$0.07A Religion that Costs Me Nothing
SKU: 015 | by Richard AndrejewskiExhortation to a faith that participates
Important Notice: All publications are in French unless specifically labeled “English version.” The titles and descriptions have been translated on the website to aid non-French speakers select material for ministry among French speakers.