Barry and his wife served as missionaries in Lyon, France from 1984 to 1986, and in Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast, West Africa) from 1987 to 2003. In 1992 he began to publish the bimonthly periodical Chemin de Vérité (Way of Truth), and in 1995 he established the Bouaké Bible School, a school that trains evangelists for French-speaking Africa. Since 2007 he has directed French World Outreach (Éditions CEB). Among his responsibilities: editorial decisions, writing or translating works to be published, proofreading and typesetting, reception of funds and communication with sponsors.
Director of IT and Graphic Arts
Garrett became a member of the French World Outreach team in November 2015, having previously worked with the “Truth for Today” ministry and served as a preacher for congregations in Tennessee and Arkansas. In additions to his biblical studies, Garrett studied French at Freed-Hardeman University (USA) and at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi (Canada). He has made mission trips to Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, and New Caledonia.
In 2021 Garrett and his family moved to Arkansas, but he continues to work with this ministry remotely on a part-time basis. Garrett’s primary responsibilities include typesetting and layout, and the creation and management of Internet sites. His Bible knowledge and expertise in the areas of computer science and graphic arts allow him to contribute in many ways.
Production Manager
John is a longtime member of the Crieve Hall congregation who joined our team in 2021 as part-time production manager. An engineer by profession, he has a lot of experience when it comes to production, and he finds great satisfaction in using his knowledge and his energy to help spread the Word of God in the French-speaking world. His responsibilities include printing, managing inventory, supervising volunteers, and shipping orders.
YAO Koffi Roger
Manager of the literature distribution center in Abidjan
YAO Koffi Roger, a faithful Ivorian Christian and evangelist, graduate of the Bouaké Bible School, manages our distribution center in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. This center holds a large stock of literature intended for congregations across French-speaking Africa. This makes possible significant savings on the shipping of packages; Christians from throughout Côte d’Ivoire and the rest of West Africa can also go to the center in person to obtain literature for their local congregations. In addition to supervising the distribution of these publications, Roger receives and teaches visitors to the bookstore/Bible correspondence course office located on the ground floor. He is greatly assisted in this work by brother AMON Amon Hyacinthe.
The work of volunteers makes it possible for us to reduce the production cost of our publications. About thirty people help us joyfully on a regular basis. They collate booklets, fold tracts, and count and wrap everything in order to have things ready to ship rapidly anywhere in the world. In addition, about sixty teenagers, the youth of the Crieve Hall Church of Christ, give us a hand once or twice a year.