French World Outreach (known as Éditions Centre d’Enseignement Biblique in French) is a ministry of the Crieve Hall Church of Christ, a congregation of Christians in Nashville, Tennessee in the United States. From this site you can order our French publications online or obtain a detailed catalog of what materials are offered from this ministry. You can also learn more about our team and what we do. Additionally, a growing number of our publications are available to read online or freely download.
Who are we?
French World Outreach exists for the purpose of promoting the cause of Jesus Christ in the French-speaking world by means of the printed page. We make available, at as little cost as possible, a great variety of documents for biblical study and teaching as well as for promoting Christian growth. These publications are available to the churches of Christ and to missionaries associated with them, to French-speaking students and study helpers of World Bible School, and to anyone anywhere in the world who desires to know the Bible. For more information about what we do and our team, click on the links below.
Who are the churches of Christ?
The churches of Christ (there are thousands of them around the world) are local congregations, completely autonomous from each other but unified by brotherly love and a deep desire to conform to the model of Christianity as it is presented in the pages of the New Testament. They hold to neither Catholicism nor Protestantism–their members simply call themselves Christians. They call upon all believers to seek unity and God’s favor through a deeper respect for the authority of Scripture.
The churches of Christ are present in almost every country in the world, including a majority of French-speaking countries. They have no national or international headquarters. Their doctrinal unity is due to their efforts to not go beyond what is written (1 Corinthians 4.6). Given that their goal is to identify and restore the church as it existed in the time of the apostles, before the introduction of all the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant denominations of our time, the churches of Christ recognize no other founder or head but Jesus Christ. The New Testament is their sole creed.